Sunday, March 18, 2012

Knovio...Schmovio.. It's out of this world, Scottie!

Exploring new techniques and tools is just as fun as exploring strange new worlds...

Knovio is a tool that lets you present information via online using multimedia technology and PowerPoint presentations.

Although it seemed simple enough to me, I had an issue with it recognizing the camera.  I did notice that it said it was in a Beta version and since I am an IT professional and also an educator I knew what this meant.

It is in a testing environment.  Whenever someone says something is in a Beta version, it means they still have not fixed all the bugs and issues that arises when you create new technology. Of course, to me at least they are being honest, unlike Microsoft who calls their Betas for their Windows OS different names (ex.  Windows 95, Windows 2000, Windows XP and so on).

But I digress,  Knovio is a wonderful tool if you know how to use it.  Students are able to view the information from class, home or any place where they have access to a computer and the Internet.  The utilization of multimedia tools for communication purposes is effective for special education.  Students who cannot read, but have normal visual and auditory senses can use this tool to acquire information about a subject, story, etc.  

It can also be used for collaboration and sharing of information between colleagues and other educators.

Check it out:

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